
   Here at BMA Solutions, we find that the foundation of a prosperous accountant-client relationship starts with building trust. In order to provide the best possible service for their clients, the accountant and the client must build the trust necessary for the accountant to complete their work. The client needs to be assured that the accountant cares about them and will work towards solving their concerns. The accountant has to be assured that the client will provide them with the correct and full information required to finish the project.

   At BMA Solutions, we start from this foundation of trust between the two parties to foster a mutually beneficial working relationship.

   Usually a prospective client is looking to find the answers to these questions:

    • Will my accountant look after my best interest?
    • Can I trust my accountant knows the insights of his/her profession and that they will give me quality work and consulting advice?

   During an interview with a potential client, the accountant needs to find the answers to these questions:

    • Will the client provide me with all the correct and full information in a timely manner, that I can meet the deadlines for the client and produce quality work and advice?
    • Will the client pay for the work they requested on time and in full?

It is essential for both sides to continuously work in unity in preserving the trust
towards the ultimate goal of prosperity.